Home decor trends in La Jolla and around the world

There was a time when beach cottages in La Jolla all rested beneath redwood shingled roofs, and according to San Diego News, you could rent one for the small sum of $9 a month. These serene seaside escapes from the 1800’s are now treasured historic gems, in part because they mark one of the earliest stylistic trends in La Jolla real estate.

According to the article, these lovely cottages had several signature elements, including quaint front porches, low gabled roofs, stained glass windows and cozy fireplaces. Gardens graced these picturesque beachside properties that were only accessible via winding paths. Star pine trees set the scene, while simultaneously serving as landmarks in a tranquil place with ample dirt roads, but no street signs.

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Luxury homes in La Jolla are some of the most desirable properties in the country because the Jewel is a phenomenal place to live. Perhaps this is why some residents never want to leave and allegedly linger around in their old haunts, sometimes for centuries.

Although the jury is still out about whether there is any validity to stories of unexplainable occurrences, many believe they have witnessed inexplicable events in certain places around La Jolla. These strange events are said to happen when people least expect it and in the most unlikely places. Given how beautiful La Jolla is, it’s easy to see how many wouldn’t be expecting something eerie to occur here. 

However, there are several tales of such happenings in places right here in La…

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Upscale deck overlooking the ocean

A recent real estate report suggests that there are a number of trends within the luxury real estate market that are tied to generational cohorts. There also other trends that are spanning all buyers, such as increased interest in certain high-end features. With the La Jolla luxury real estate market being one of the top 20 in America, these trends may lead to increased buyer interest in some features over others possessed by luxury properties in La Jolla. They may also lead to more investment property purchases in La Jolla in the coming year. 

The report suggests that buyers are showing increased interest in investment properties within the luxury market. Active interest has increased from 48 percent last year to 54 percent this year, with 33…

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iron rod staircase in luxury home next to graphic that says La Jolla was named one of the tope real estate markets in America

La Jolla is one of the top 20 high-performing luxury real estate markets in America. A recent real estate spotlights the market’s high performance and once again proves that luxury homes in La Jolla are highly sought-after and truly remarkable properties.

The report highlighted five areas where La Jolla’s luxury real estate market is out-performing others across America: 

1. Highest number of luxury listings valued at $5 million

La Jolla ranked #12 on the list for highest number of luxury listings valued over $5 million. La Jolla had a total of 60 luxury listings in this market segment.

2. Highest number of active luxury listings valued at $1 million

The La Jolla luxury home market has one of the highest amounts of active luxury listings…

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Graphic that reads Millennials Gravitate Toward the La Jolla Condo Market

Single-family homes in La Jolla have undeniable appeal, but there are viable townhome and condo markets within the Jewel as well. In fact, a recent article in The San Diego Union-Tribune highlighted some growth indicators in the greater San Diego condo market that may strengthen in the coming years. This potential uptick in sales is thanks in part to Millennials gravitating toward mixed-use and multi-family housing options.

Measured Growth in the Condo Market

Last year, CoreLogic reported that condos made up 12.3 percent of all real estate sales in 2014. Sales prices for this sector of the real estate market are increasing steadily across greater San Diego and the nation. According to the The San Diego Union-Tribune, the median condo price in…

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Graphic that reads La Jolla is more than a beautiful place to live: DeSouza Select Properties

Every year, countless visitors flock to La Jolla for the experience. They want to stand on the sandy shores of La Jolla Cove, visit the Birch Aquarium, window shop along Girard Avenue and watch a performance at La Jolla Playhouse. People travel from all over to experience the beautiful weather, great food and vibrant culture that La Jolla is known throughout the country for.

Those aspects of La Jolla are but a few that make it an incredible place to live. There is so much more to life in La Jolla and people are noticing.

La Jolla receives national recognition for its other characteristics just as often as it does for its natural beauty and noteworthy attractions. This is one of the reasons why La Jolla real estate is so valuable.

La Jolla is a…

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Graphic that reads The Village shows signs of emerging national trends

PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Urban Land Institute have released a report on emerging real estate trends every year for the last 37 years straight. The latest report identified real estates trends that are expected to sweep over the country in 2016. Based on indicators outlined in the report, it appears that the Village of La Jolla may be gravitating toward a couple of national trends.

A new take on suburban life may emerge in the Village

The Village of La Jolla has recently allowed some mixed-use projects to move forward to their next phases in the approval process. Should these projects be fully “green-lighted,” they will open up the Village to not only retail and office space, but also townhomes. 

This move toward townhomes in the Village…

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Picture of a home with circling arrows and a graphic that reads

In recent weeks, a number of La Jolla homeowners welcomed new residents to their neighborhoods. La Jolla Light recently published a list of home sales in La Jolla since September 1, 2015. The article listed 47 homes purchased in La Jolla over last month with an average sales price of $2,080,947.

If the buyers who purchased La Jolla real estate last month opted to use financing, they were able to take advantage of low interest rates courtesy of the Federal Reserve’s decision to not raise the federal funds rates in September. Whether the federal funds rate will remain at or near zero throughout the end of the year remains to be seen, but there are some indications that it may be increased.

Will these homes be some of the last purchased with the…

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Image of La Jolla beach with graphic that reads

If asked to describe La Jolla, many would cite its beautiful climate, endless sunshine, seven miles of incredible coastline and vibrant village. They would not be wrong, but there are some little-known facts about La Jolla that are equally intriguing:

1. Believe it or not, it has snowed in La Jolla.

Unbelievably good weather nearly 365 days a year would lead one to believe that homes in La Jolla have never experienced so much as a trace of snow on their rooftops. That isn’t the truth though.  Mother Nature can make anything happen at her whim. Almost 50 years ago, La Jolla got some unexpected snowflakes on an otherwise normal December day.

The first and last recorded snowfall in La Jolla was on December 13, 1967. A sharp drop in temperature…

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Graphic of a cluster of homes that reads

The national, San Diego, and La Jolla real estate numbers for July and August are out. Two separate sets of stats were released recently, the first being the highly trusted Case-Shiller home price index and the other being CoreLogic’s August Real Estate Data Report for Southern California. Between the two reports, news media were able to identify upward trends in national and local home sales prices over last year’s figures. 

National market stats

The New York Times attributed the nationwide rise in home prices in July to buyers vying for homes amidst a reduced supply. The Case-Shiller home price index revealed a five percent increase in home prices across the country in the past year and an eight-year sales high.

In addition to this, new…

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