Home Decor Trends in La Jolla and Around the World
Posted by Dennis DeSouza on
There was a time when beach cottages in La Jolla all rested beneath redwood shingled roofs, and according to San Diego News, you could rent one for the small sum of $9 a month. These serene seaside escapes from the 1800’s are now treasured historic gems, in part because they mark one of the earliest stylistic trends in La Jolla real estate.
According to the article, these lovely cottages had several signature elements, including quaint front porches, low gabled roofs, stained glass windows and cozy fireplaces. Gardens graced these picturesque beachside properties that were only accessible via winding paths. Star pine trees set the scene, while simultaneously serving as landmarks in a tranquil place with ample dirt roads, but no street signs.
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