News and information about the La Jolla and Del Mar real estate markets.

Purchasing a luxury home in La Jolla or Rancho Santa Fe is an exciting thing to do. For some, it may be the culmination of many years of strategic planning. For others, it could be the result of a windfall, wise investments or simple good luck. No matter what has brought you to the La Jolla area and taken you into the high-end housing market keep in mind that you're still buying something from someone who really wants to get it sold. Because of that, the seller may not disclose everything he or she is legally required to do.

It's illegal for a seller not to disclose certain things, but that doesn't mean an unscrupulous seller won't skirt the rules  to avoid saying something incriminating about the house he or she really wants to get out from under. It's…

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Real estate scams are out there, and even careful people who generally make great decisions have had problems. A recent trend for these scammers is to find people who are in danger of foreclosure and trying to sell their homes. These companies promise to help them - for a price. This has happened in La Jolla and throughout San Diego County, and it's still occurring even though the media has cautioned people to avoid it.

People are desperate to get help, and with the unemployment figure at 9.8%, that help isn't coming in the form of a job for a lot of people. That's when they turn to companies that promise to help them avoid foreclosure and get their homes sold. By the time they've gotten to that point, they just want to sell their home and get out from…

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